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The brief for this piece was supplied by ISTD, The International Society of Typographic Designers. Into the light is an illuminated poetry book. The book borrows the conventions of illuminated manuscripts and marries them with conventional book layout to create a completely new form of poetry book. The marrying of type and illustration is a metaphor for the change Dante undergoes over the course of Paradiso, Canto 33. Dante begins by begging Mary for the ability to look into the light above. She grants his wish, however the light is too complex for Dante to comprehend. Finally, God grants him the ability to remember and recount what he has witnessed as he is shown the universe bound together into one by love. The physical book takes the place of the universe. Over the course of the book the illustrated margins and body text become bound into one, mirroring Dante's relationship with, and understanding of, the light.

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Copyright © Jake Skelly

All Rights Reserved

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